Robertina Šebjanič
Robertina Šebjanič, based in Ljubljana (SI), is an artist and researcher working in the cross field of art – technology – science. Her art – research focus is since several years with cultural, (bio)political, chemical and biological realities of aquatic environments, which serves as a starting point to investigate and tackle the philosophical questions on the intersection of art, technology and science. Her ideas and concepts are often realized in collaboration with others, through interdisciplinary and informal integration in her work.
She was awarded with Honorary Mention @Prix Ars Electronica 2016, nominations: STARTS2016 and White Aphroid award. In 2017 she was SHAPE PLATFORM 2017 artist. In 2018 she was resident artist at Ars electronica as part of Emap / Emare platform.
She performed / exhibited at solo and group exhibitions as well as in galleries and festivals: Ars electronica Linz, Kosmica festival_ Laboratorio Arte Alameda_Mexico City, Le Cube_Paris, Art Laboratory Berlin, ZKM_Karlsruhe, re:publica_Berlin, Mladi Levi_Ljubljana, Strictly Analog_Ljudmila, Piksel_Bergen, Device art 5.015 at Klovičevi dvori_Zagreb & Eastern Bloc_Montreal, Eyebeam_New York, PORTIZMIR#3_ Izmir, Kiblix festival_Maribor, Gallery Kapelica_Ljubljana and more…
She had lectures, workshop and presentations on numerous conferences and Universities:
University of Nova Gorica School of Arts, LadHyX Polytechnique The Hydrodynamics laboratory of the École polytechnique Paris, Angewandte Innovation Lab (AIL), University for applied arts in Vienna, University of applied science FH JOANNEUM Graz, Parsons The New School New York, The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges Ionian University, Corfu and many more…