WEBINAR: Meet the Innovation Catalyst for Social Europe!
Main takeaways from MAST collaborative work, the lessons learned and future plans. The MAST consortium believes that these results and outputs set solid foundations for further advancements and developments in the cross-domain field of Arts, Science and Technology. Join us for a condensed two hours of sharp keynotes, experience reports and dynamic dialogues to learn more about the results of the MAST project, and perhaps share some of its future vectors.
Workshops, Symposium, Lab Situation & more @ MAST Hybrid Interfacing Academy
In what way can the imagination of artists and their creativity tools bring about true novums at the crossings of technology and science, tackling the most complex challenges of the future, both for society at large, and the industries in particular? Participants from a variety of disciplines have jointly explored and identified the vectors of possible policy impacts and priorities for the future of Europe as well as created alliances for forward-thinking future actions. The range of events included a short but cutting-edge symposium with several acclaimed speakers. The Hybrid Interfacing Academy also featured a speculative situation to stimulate new pivotal points of innovation processes with a radical approach. More @ mastmodule.eu/hia-sessions
The MAST symposium took place 18. & 19.11.2019 in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Speakers: Anja Ibsch, Chris Csikszentmihalyi, HEALLO crew, Jernej Č. Gerbec, Lucia Dubačová, Jurij Krpan, Lavoslava Benčić, Maria Judova, Marko Peljhan, N. Castillo & H. Thuemmel, N. Bovcon & A. Vaupotič, Robertina Šebjanič, Robert Manchin, Teena Lange, Valerie Wolf Gang, Vuk Ćosić, and more.
Best of MAST Showcase !
MAST Online Course
Ten lectures of the MAST Online Course guide participants through methods that promote innovation, to inspire and give practical information on the grid between art, science and technology, giving insight into contemporary information technologies, cybernetics, biotechnologies, and a variety of tactical media and their impact on society.
A series of open conversations among relevant voices from the crossings of Art, Science and Technology.
Enrol into MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
To become a part of MAST module piloting in year 2020/21, please consider enrolling:
- either the Media Arts and Practices international master study programme at the School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Interested candidates are invited to consult the programme info package and the guidelines for international applicants at http://au.ung.si/map-app , and/or write to info.au@ung.si, where a consultation meeting (face2face or online) may be agreed;
- or International Master in Interactive Media Design study programme at the Faculty of Engineering and Exact Science, University of Madeira, Portugal. Interested candidates are invited to consult the programme info package and the guidelines for international applicants at http://mdmi.uma.pt, and apply through https://candidaturas.uma.pt/?lang=EN .
Study Module
MAST Module Courses
The challenge invites students to respond with a unique and innovative solution that may become either an industry product or a public service, an art piece or an experimental design — or anything in between.
more ...

COURSE | Graz | Austria
In a world of systemic crisis, with an apparent need for coexistence, conviviality and new ways of acting, the MAST project sets sails to explore alternative routes for a better living. Fostering ideas around the future worker’s identity the participants will reflect and build on own change-stimulating personal and social skills, both as leaders and creators within cultural industries. | more...

New Media & Contemporary Art
COURSE | Nova Gorica | Slovenia
The Studio course connects students and mentors from different disciplines into a cohesive topic-based and research-oriented production, usually in the form of a workshop. more...

COURSE | Funchal, Madeira | Portugal
PPP seeks to equip students with the ethical, organization, and practical knowledge required to imagine and develop products that advance and strengthen "social Europe" values of inclusion, diversity, and equality.. | more...

COURSE | Rijeka | Croatia
MAST Interfacing Academy is lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum. | more...

MAST | Master projects & theses
COURSE | Nova Gorica/Funchal
The Mast Thesis Challenge looks at ways we can design work, collectives, or enterprises to ensure a more inclusive, supportive, verdant, and open society. | more...

The MAST Project
The MAST project has developed an applied study module at the intersections of Art, Science and Technology, combining methodologies and practices that intertwine the academic sphere closely with the Culture and Creative Sectors.
Nurturing a critical perspective on the historical, economical, social and above all cultural relevance of this interdisciplinary blend within the new digital shift, the MAST project was evolving within innovative, ICT-enhanced teaching and learning methods. Students from different countries and disciplines have, under mentorship of engineers, scientists and artists, in partnership with relevant NGOs and industry partners, jointly tackled challenges emerging from the paradox between the obviously disparate agendas of Europe's ambition towards innovation on the one side, and the need for social equity on the other.
I n n o v a t i v e | I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y | C o l l a b o r a t i v e
Tweets from the MAST

Daniela Urem
“MAST is adopting a holistic view rather than focusing solely on technological innovation — by combining R&D and creativity, including recent trends such as design thinking, open innovation, digitalisation, sustainable development, and resource-limited innovation. Join us! ”

Sergi Bermúdez i Badia
“MAST is a unique opportunity for our students to get an interdisciplinary education in arts, science and technology, while producing innovation that has the European social values at its core.”

Robert Manchin
“If ever felt to balance your Art education with socially conscious tech training, MAST is a must for you!”

Peter Purg
“ It surely feels windy & rocky up on the MAST, but you can see far — and definitely find the right course, if you keep up with the challenge! ”

Franziska Hederer
“ Practicing good conviviality is a basic precondition for the future we want to live in, MAST is there to help research for the right tools to achieve it. ”

Nayari Castillo-Rutz
“ The future of education relies in the possibility to construct and implement ideas together, MAST researches on strategies and processes that lead to it ”