Robert Manchin
Robert Manchin, president of Culture Action Europe was born in Budapest, where he attended the Bartok Conservatory of Music, the Liszt Academy of Music and the Marx University of Economics. Worked at the Hungarian Academy of Science as sociologist while playing in the State Philharmonic Orchestra. He studied and wrote books on youth musical protest movements and the long-term effects of music education in public schools. Robert spent several years teaching and doing research in American universities. Returning to Hungary before the regime changed he organized samizdat publications including publishing the minutes of the transition parliament before the first free elections. Between 1990 and 2014 he fulfilled various top management positions at Gallup Organization in the US and in Europe, leading a number of global research projects. As a professor at the College of Europe, Robert developed a course to understand European social trends using survey and other data. During the summers he organizes local musical events in Croatia and in the winters he makes every effort to be present in his village council meetings in Hungary where he was elected as Vice Mayor.