podMAST is a series of open conversations among relevant voices from the crossings of Art, Science and Technology. Springing from an apparent need for (archiving and reflecting) in-depth knowledge about this timely crossover, it shall remain publicaly accessible to incite dialog with other interested practitioners and thinkers. Also it is to serve as study material for the newly developed international Master Module in Art, Science and Technology (MAST) of the project www.mastmodule.eu.
podMAST / Margherita Pevere Edits
The Wetlands between Art and Science.
podMAST / Chris Csikszentmihalyi
Innovation on European and Social terms for a solidarity among disciplines.
podMAST / Round Table Rutz Miko Madeira Dig
Towards a better solidarity of artists and producers in sonic arts.
podMAST / Mauel Beltran
Creating better models of data work through big exercises of imagination
podMAST / Pauline Miko
Plants are my fellow DJs.
podMAST / Hanns Holger Rutz
Algorithms matter and one should better understand them.
podMAST / Sanja And Janez Leban
20 years of Sajeta festival: Respecting (non)human co-existence versus commercial expansion
TINA: fotografije ni oz. je popolnoma premajhna
podMAST / Theresa Schubert
Unconventional visions of nature and the self.
podMAST / Oliver Baurhenn
Facing the Berghain Effect: How clubculture breeds (e)quality.
podMAST / Cristina Fiordimela
Embodying data by decolonisation of Thinking.
podMAST / Alois Yang
Sonic happenings; the ecology of feedback loops to capture the energy of the moment.
podMAST / Kyriaki Goni
Expanded Art for a Social Technology. //Counting Craters in dialogue between human and machine.
podMAST / Freddy Paul Gruenert
Displaying commons and resonances between Art and Science for a new start from the Zero.
podMAST / Jekatarina Cryptoparty

podMAST / Marco Donnaruma
Human and machine relationship needs (art for) a new corporeal hybridity.
podMAST / Maya Indira Ganesh Plus
No autonomous cars without autonomous humans.
podMAST / Nahum Romero
Hypnosis or curriculum for a more humanistic space exploration.
podMAST / Jenny Brockmann
Leaving the audience unsatisfied through unstable systems, to create communication about urgent questions in society.
podMAST / Tiara Roxanne

podMAST / Robertina Šebjanič
When Art gets more rigorous than Science.
podMAST / Dieter Daniels
Hybrid research between Art and Science.
podMAST / Mast Workshop
Practical competencies and transferable skills in Art, Science and Technology.
A MAST module presentation at Occupying the middle // On Artistic Research and the Arts, Sciences and Technology transdisciplinary practices DATAMI exhibition closing, Bozar, Brussels.